@conference{194, author = {Edgar Jembere and Randhir Rawatlal and Anban Pillay}, title = {Matrix Factorisation for Predicting Student Performance}, abstract = {Predicting student performance in tertiary institutions has potential to improve curriculum advice given to students, the planning of interventions for academic support and monitoring and curriculum design. The student performance prediction problem, as defined in this study, is the prediction of a student’s mark for a module, given the student’s performance in previously attempted modules. The prediction problem is amenable to machine learning techniques, provided that sufficient data is available for analysis. This work reports on a study undertaken at the College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science at University of KwaZulu-Natal that investigates the efficacy of Matrix Factorization as a technique for solving the prediction problem. The study uses Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), a Matrix Factorization technique that has been successfully used in recommender systems. The performance of the technique was benchmarked against the use of student and course average marks as predictors of performance. The results obtained suggests that Matrix Factorization performs better than both benchmarks.}, year = {2018}, journal = {2017 7th World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF)}, chapter = {513-518}, month = {13/11-16/11}, publisher = {IEEE}, isbn = {978-1-5386-1523-2}, }